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Deadline for Newham Philharmonic

July 10, 2016 @ 5:00 pm

After a fantastic first course ending at Barbican Centre in April, Newham Philharmonic is preparing for the October 2016 course.

Newham Philharmonic is the new orchestra for young Londoners. With coaching from professional musicians and under the baton of James Ham, the orchestra will explore everything from the great masterpieces of orchestral repertoire to new commissions.

The second course will take place from 26-29 October 2016 culminating in a performance at Kings Place on 29 October 2016. Repertoire will include Beethoven Symphony 6 and two concertos.

Key dates:

26, 27, 28 October 2016: Course at Lister Community School

29 October 2016: Performance at Kings Place

There is also the opportunity to perform under the baton of Matthew Scott Rogers on October 22nd 2016 at Milton Court.

Repertoire includes two concertos, including one with the winner of the London International Guitar Competition winner.

Rehearsals at Guildhall on October 21st 2016 (3pm-9pm).

Please note you can chose to attend the course and concert at Kings Place but not the Milton Court concert, these are two different events, although the concertos will be the same.


Date of auditions: Sunday 17th JULY 2016

Location: LISTER COMMUNITY SCHOOL (Newham) – St Mary’s Rd, Plaistow, London E13 9AE

Duration: 20 minutes (your timings will be given to you with the confirmation)

Instruments: STRINGS only

About you: Aged 16 – 25 & grade 8 plus

Deadline for Applications: 5pm – 10th July 2016, by filling out this form: http://goo.gl/forms/Un43IhHxzTqvlZIJ2

Click below to download audition requirements in either PDF or Word.doc

PDF – Newham Philharmonic Audition requirements July 2016

Word.doc Newham Philharmonic Audition requirements July 2016

You can also have a look at the project here: https://www.newham-music.org.uk/our-projects/newham-philharmonic/

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us by email.

Jack Petchey FoundationNational Foundation For Youth MusicArts Council England
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