
The cello has the same shape as all of the string instruments, but it’s the one you sit down to play. The sound has a real singing quality, and you get to do everything as a cellist – composers love giving it big romantic tunes, you get to play bass lines, and you get to fill in the harmonies too! Just like the viola, orchestras are always short of cellos. You need to be ready to carry that thing around with you, but musicians really do fall in love with their cellos – not surprising when they’re hugging them all the time they’re playing them!

We teach the cello in schools across the borough and at Newham Music Academy, our after-school and Saturday music centre. To enquire about lessons please email info@newham-music.org.uk or call us on 020 3598 6260.

Jack Petchey FoundationNational Foundation For Youth MusicArts Council England
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