
Although it’s in the woodwind family, it’s really made of metal. You hold it to the right of your face and blow across the mouthpiece.

So if you can make a noise by blowing across the top of a bottle and if you know the fingering on a recorder – you’re most of the way to playing the flute! All those keys and bits of metal might look complicated, but actually they’re there to make your life easier.

The flute can play high piercing melodies, or soft and graceful tunes. It’s also ideal for folk music.

We teach the flute in schools across the borough and at Newham Music Academy our after-school and Saturday music centre. To enquire about lessons please email info@newham-music.org.uk or call us on 020 3598 6260.

Jack Petchey FoundationNational Foundation For Youth MusicArts Council England
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