
Where to start with the saxophone? One of the funkiest and jazziest instruments around, this is one of the most popular and satisfying of instruments to play.

The fingering is just like the recorder, it’s fairly easy to make the noise, and you sound great pretty quickly!

The saxophone is a bit heavy for younger musicians, so get started on the recorder or clarinet – you’ll learn so many of the techniques you need that way. It can be relaxing, driving or soulful – you choose…

Saxophones range from the tiny soprano sax through to the giant baritone – you even find huge bass saxophones! There’s not much classical music written for the saxophone, but it’s right at home in jazz, rock and funk bands.

We teach the saxophone in schools across the borough and at Newham Music Academy, our after-school and Saturday music centre. To enquire about lessons please email or call us on 020 3598 6260.

Jack Petchey FoundationNational Foundation For Youth MusicArts Council England
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