Inclusive Resources

BBC Teach

Sing Up have some free resources to keep children learning and singing outside of school, including sign language and Makaton videos.

Chrome Music Lab makes creating music fun and accessible with hands-on visual experiments and tools. 

Interactive videos from aChord Music

Drake Music have put together great tips for Using iPads for Music on their website!

Using Sound and Music’s Minute of Listening, introduce children at home to regular listening and appraisal activities while they learn through discovery and make connections with music and their daily lives.

Former STOMP company member Ollie Tunmer is streaming ‘Body Beats’ daily body percussion activities.

English Touring Opera invites children with disabilities and their siblings to join weekly live online music workshops and get involved in creative play exploring rhythm, sound and song. Children with ASD and PMLD are welcome as well.

Music-making apps

Jack Petchey FoundationNational Foundation For Youth MusicArts Council England
Accessible colours