NM Teacher Admin Resources


Click here to access the Planned Absence Notification Form

Click here to access the Unplanned Absence Notification Form

Eepos Guide

Please see the link to the Eepos Guide HERE.

This will help you log in, navigate, and use Eepos to mark your attendance – and your pupils’, if you have any academy students or teach at a parentally billed school.

Video Quality

Any time you submit a video lesson or pre-recorded resource, you must complete the Video Quality Assurance Form here.

Child Protection

If you feel the need to report any Child Protection concerns, please download the form below, complete, and return to the office immediately.
Child Protection Report Form

NM Teacher Resources

NM Teacher Resource Zone

If you are one of our teachers, please click the following link below to access the Newham Music Teacher Resource Zone.
Newham Music Teacher Resource Zone

Below are loads of slide resources to support Whole Class instrumental and General Musicianship teaching. They are arranged by instrument, but do have a browse through them all, as there are lots of activities that will work for any instrument!

You can adapt the plans to create and combine bespoke slide shows for your own lessons. To do this, just open the slides you want to use and download them to your computer to edit. Then pop onto a memory stick and take to your school to show on the whiteboard.

If you have any slides or activities that teachers would benefit from using, please send them to emma.scarr@newham-music.org.uk to be added to the library.

WCET Resources

Templates and Plans

You will find long-term and individual lesson planning and assessment templates here.

Note: you must download these as word documents before editing.

Jack Petchey FoundationNational Foundation For Youth MusicArts Council England
Accessible colours