Schools Offer

2024/25 Schools Offer Brochure

Booking for our Schools Provision for 2024/25 is now open! To book your instrumental lessons, WCET, ensembles and more please click on the booking form link below.

NM Schools Provision Booking Form 2024/25

What schools get when they sign up for Newham Music Provision:
• An extensive range of instrumental and vocal teaching, ensembles and choirs.
• Projects with high-profile cultural partners such as Drake Music for Disabilities, Music for Youth, Urban Development and Youth Music.
• Showcases and performances at professional venues including Stratford East, Royal Albert Hall and Southbank Centre.
• High-quality DBS-checked teachers who are subject to a rigorous quality assurance and training programme.
• Nationally recognised accreditation through Arts Award, Music Medals and Graded Examinations.
• Bespoke training opportunities for classroom teachers.
• Instrument hire.
• Four hours of additional support for showcasing, including school assemblies and concerts each year.

Want to know more? Get in touch with the office on 020 3089 3214.

Jack Petchey FoundationNational Foundation For Youth MusicArts Council England
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