Use a song you already know to make a new one
Want ideas for how to lead your students in writing lyrics?
Follow these tips to start writing a song with your students
How to start conducting on different beats
Super tip! Start from stillness
How to stop your ensemble rushing or dragging
Conducting: Using both hands
How to get started with conducting
Multi-tasking is a myth, learn one thing at a time
Use a storybook to make music
Use body percussion to make rhythm learning accessible.
Don't always make the obvious sound.
An easy way for anyone to make a new song in 2 minutes
Three places to find great songs!
Give pupils leadership roles and they will inspire the school to sing!
Get reluctant singers singing!
Music teaching tricks to teach maths and languages!
An awesome creative Samba activity!
How to hold a drum stick in four steps.
Four steps to rest position in percussion class!
Make tricky rhythms easy!
Want to help students perform great rhythms?
Students won't put their instruments down when you're talking? Here's how to do it.
Here's a way to create great rhythms (and it's cross-curricular)!
A recipe to turn 1 melody into 4 ideas!
Help students create great melodies every time!
Use this creative activity to get any players performing together quickly!
Internalise all the way through before singing the song.
If you play piano or guitar, here's one way to help students learn songs!
Give a clue before the line!
Treat lesson performances the same as the big showcase ones!
Use the 'hold it on' trick to stop students interrupting you!
Get students controlling the beat!
Get students moving with the pulse
Always come in on the right note!
Simple steps to put a reed on a clarinet or sax
Warm ups from the pros to hit high notes
Simple activities for playing by ear
A mini playlist for inclusive music teaching
2 parts, 1 teacher - here's how to teach it.
I can't sing - how can I lead singing with my class?
Use this pitch warm up to refocus your class or group
Challenge every learner appropriately
Help your students make a great sound on the flute
Singing as part of every day routines
Get musical responses from your students
A simple differentation trick for three levels of learners
How to hold and make good sound
Do you want your recorder class to sound good?
Play louder than a whisper on the flute
Why creative learning works
Sing it, play it, think it
Turn taking for singing activities
Stop talking... model musically and increase progress
Squeaky clarinets? Fix it forever
3 simple things that engage everyone
Leading rhythm activites (body percussion)
Musical teaching through singing instructions