A group of children standing on a stage outdoors

First Steps

For families with younger children, First Steps provides early years activities on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, and musical fun for all the family on Saturdays.

The classes build a wide range of skills such as listening, language and communication skills, and social skills such as sharing and turn taking, as well as musical concepts such as pitch, pulse, rhythm, and dynamics.

All classes are £2 per session or £15 per term.

Our First Steps sessions are split by age groups. See details below:

Baby Steps | 0-18 months

Come and share time together in a gentle musical environment with your baby. Designed for one-to-one interactions between baby and adult, this session is a lovely way to bond whilst sharing rhymes and songs together.

Tuesdays 10-10.45am | Saturdays 9.30-10.15am

Toddler Steps | 18 – 36 months

For toddlers aged 18-36 months and their adults, this class offers lots of playful opportunities for one-to-one interaction, chances to explore instruments and move together, as well as rhymes to say and songs to sing.

Tuesdays 11-11.45am

Family Steps | under 5s

Our Family Steps class is a mixed-age group for children under 5 and their adults, offering playful opportunities for everyone to explore instruments and move their bodies, and to enjoy songs, rhymes and stories together.

Thursdays 10-10.45am

MotherEase | mum and baby 0-9 months

Our intention is to create a safe and nurturing space where mums can support and celebrate each other on their motherhood journey.

Breathing and relaxation practices will be offered alongside singing and music making; activities which have been shown to benefit wellbeing. Although the focus is on the mother’s wellbeing, babies are included in all activities, offering an opportunity for bonding and the enjoyment of each other.

Thursdays 11-11.45am

Family Band | under 7s

Creative musical play sessions for children up to 7 and their families. Join us for a morning of exploring sounds and stories, movement and dance, singing and games, providing the best start for your child’s musical journey. Come together for musical fun for all the family!

Saturdays Session 1: 10.30am-11.30am | Session 2: 11.45am-12.45pm

Jack Petchey FoundationNational Foundation For Youth MusicArts Council England
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